Today our Director Richard came to the rescue of Happy Days a charity that offers hope to the homeless through community and social enterprise.

"This legend and me collecting a few tins today 😂 very kindly donated by ye olde oak in Sowerby Bridge. Richard gave his time and a lorry from his company “@EventEquipHire” to collect a full load from Doncaster for free. I feel blown away by people’s generosity, all the food will go to the food and support drop in and the homeless in Calderdale through the Winter homeless night shelter 😀😀😀😀 Please keep your donations coming to the food drop in and other projects, this is a very difficult time of year for the poor and homeless. Christine Henderson thanks for the storage space 😀 " David @ Happy Days
Happy Days are one of our nominated Charities for 2017-2019. They do great work in the local area, and we are proud to work with them as much as possible.